目前分類:English Version (3)

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This story involves multiple animals: a rabbit, a lion, a wolf, and some others. It tells how the rabbit eats the wolf. It demonstrates the relationships between employees and employers in modern corporations, how employees deal with all kinds of working environments, and how business owners may develop their business. It may be applied to corporate management as it entails business management skills.



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This is the fastest business model I have ever seen to clear inventory. A clothing store owner sold all the inventory in the end of the year. How did he do it?

He held a lottery in a department store. Consumers only needed to pay 100US dollars to participate in the lottery, and the first prize was an electric car worth 5000US dollars. 100 people as a group would participate in the lottery. Among these 100 people, only one person could win the first prize. And how about the other 99 people ? The merchant gave each of them a 200US-dollar coupon that could be used in the department store, as well as a coat priced at 150US dollars. Consumers, therefore, could hardly say no to such an offer. They spent 100US dollars and got a chance to win the first prize. Even if they didn’t, they would not lose money. They got a 150US-dollar jacket and a 200US-dollar  coupon. This event, therefore, drew numerous people.


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“Time can not only be traded, but attached with a price tag.” This may sound absurd, but that’s how it works. For example, if you make 3000US dollars a month, it means that others’ buy your time for a month with 3000US dollars. Let’s say you work for 150 hours a month, then your time is price at 20US dollars/hr.



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